Friday, November 27, 2009

A Thanksgiving Message From Mama

To my sweet Camden Boos and Dashy Bleu...

Thanksgiving weekend is an appropriate time for reflection...which is exactly what your Mama has been doing!
My life, at present, truly amazes me! I am married to your wonderful Daddy and have been blessed with the two of sweet angel baby boys!
The amount of love that rushes through my heart when I look at you, hug you, kiss you, or simply think of you is indescribable! Sometimes I feel like my heart is going to burst with love!
Your innocence captivates me and I wish I could bottle it up and keep it safe forever! Nevertheless, I so enjoy watching you both grow!
Camden, you truly are my Big Boy now and continue to make me smile and melt my heart on a daily basis! I love watching you explore this world and take it all in! Truly a sight for sore eyes!
You are a beautiful little boy with a goofy sense of humor...truly the whole package! Daddy and I just can't get enough of your sweetness!
Dashton, you have found your place in this family so quickly and it is as if you never were not here in my arms! You are growing bigger and stronger every day and are the easiest baby ever!
When you look up at me and smile I cannot contain my joy!
Each day is a new adventure with you both and I thank my lucky stars that I have the privilege of being your Mama!
We have so many blessings in our lives for which we can be grateful...a cozy home, our sweet puppy Wiley, loving and supportive family, our health, and truly amazing friends both near and far!
I love you both so very much and hope you always know how brilliantly beautiful you both are to me and your Daddy!
Happy Thanksgiving Sweet Big and Baby Boos!
I Love You With My Whole Heart!!

xoxoxoxx- Your Mama!

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