Monday, September 28, 2009

Extreme Baby Home Makeover!!!

Auntie Ali bought Dashy That Cool Elephant Painting!
Baby Chic!

"Every Child Is A Story Yet To Be Told"

I Love to Play in the Kitchen While Mama Cooks!

I Love MyGramma and Papa!!!

Greetings All!
We sure have been busy you can see!
Featured above are some photos of my soon to be baby brother Baby Dash's Elephant themed nursery, (I call him:Beee Beee DATCH)! Mama and Dada reused my bumpers and of course I was kind enough to share my crib and old nursery furniture with Dashy! I'm too big for that stuff anyway...I'm still sleepin like a champ in my big boy bed/bedroom!!! I love to play in there with all of my toys and books! Mama and Daddy even set up a little hideaway diaper changing station just for me so I don't have to wake up Bee Bee Datch once he arrives if I need my diaper changed!
We all can't believe that my little pal will be arriving in just two weeks! I think we are ready...Mama and Daddy help me practice being gentle with my Bee Bee Doll-but sometimes I like to throw him in my dirty clothes hamper when no one is looking! That's just me, ya'll...gotta keep em on their toes!
Until next time....
The One...the Only...
Teeny Tiny Lookalou
(I will always be this to Mama)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Nigh Nigh Like A Big Boy!!!

Mama and I reading Where The Wild Things Are before my first nigh nigh in my big boy bed!

Greetings To All!!

I have lots of fun news to share!

First...I had a great visit with my Grandma and Papa last weekend. They came in town all the way from Iowa to see me and give me lots of love! Dada and Papa were busy bees all weekend working on projects in our backyard and also putting in a storm door and hanging baby Dashy's chandiler in the nursery. Grandma and I played and played and she even tucked me in for the last night that I slept in my crib!

I am proud to report that I have now officially moved into my BIG BOY Bedroom and am sleeping in my BIG BOY TWIN BED! I slept soooo good on the comfy new mattress that Mama and Dada bought for me! Grandma and Papa bought me a new beta fishy and he hangs out in my new room with me! I heard Mama tell Dada that it is his job to keep my new fishy fed and cleaned!

This weekend my Mimi and Grandaddy (or G DADA) are coming into town for a visit! I am so spoiled with love these days! I can't wait to see them and get kisses and cuddles and give them back too!

Mama and Mimi will be at Dashy B's baby shower on Sunday...we can't believe he will arrive in four weeks! October 15th is the big day (as long as he decides to be a good boy and stay in Mama's belly until then...)! I know that Mama is very sad that she and I aren't going to have a lot of our exclusive Mama/Camden time for a little while, but that's ok...I am going to be a great big brother and I can share Mama and Dada with Dashy! There is enough love to go around...for that I am sure!!

Signing off to nigh nigh in my big boy bed!!!

Camden Boos...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My First Day!!!

Well we did it! Mama and I completed our first official day of Mama's Day Out!! I may look all ready to go in the photos above but don't be fooled! Once I arrived at Franklin Christian Church I lost it!! Somehow I knew that Mama was dropping me off and I wasn't going to get to see her for a little while...this made me very sad!!
I have three teachers...Miss Mandy, Miss Donna, and Miss Carol! They all showed me lots of love and helped calm my fears today! I even made my first piece of art for Mama and Dada...My handprints in red paint!!! I'm a true little artist!! I sang a song called; B.I.B.L.E during music time with Miss Maria, played in the ball pit, and had Recess too! I also took a nap for a little more than an hour on my cool nap mat! Oh yeah, and my buddy Mason is in my class! He's a little younger than me, but I may be looking to him for some advice on how to cope while our Mama's are away!!
Hope you like the photos! I'm super duper tired so I'm off to nigh nigh!!