Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My First Day!!!

Well we did it! Mama and I completed our first official day of Mama's Day Out!! I may look all ready to go in the photos above but don't be fooled! Once I arrived at Franklin Christian Church I lost it!! Somehow I knew that Mama was dropping me off and I wasn't going to get to see her for a little while...this made me very sad!!
I have three teachers...Miss Mandy, Miss Donna, and Miss Carol! They all showed me lots of love and helped calm my fears today! I even made my first piece of art for Mama and Dada...My handprints in red paint!!! I'm a true little artist!! I sang a song called; B.I.B.L.E during music time with Miss Maria, played in the ball pit, and had Recess too! I also took a nap for a little more than an hour on my cool nap mat! Oh yeah, and my buddy Mason is in my class! He's a little younger than me, but I may be looking to him for some advice on how to cope while our Mama's are away!!
Hope you like the photos! I'm super duper tired so I'm off to nigh nigh!!

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