Thursday, January 24, 2008

My First Date!

Today was so much fun!
Mommy's friend Candice came over and brought her little one: Baby Berlynn! Baby B is 4 months old and looked so big next to me! Mommy can't believe that I soon will be a big boy!
Here is a picture of me and Baby B. We were cuddling on her soft blanket!
I was sad to see her go, but can't wait until our next date!
Love and Baby Kisses,

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day on the Town

I'm all tuckered out! Mommy, Daddy, and Mimi took me to get my newborn photos taken yesterday and got some really cute shots!

Today marks the 8th day that I've been in my new home and I'm really loving it! I have two kitties and a puppy named Wiley. He loves to sniff me and is very gentle with me too. I just know we are going to be great friends!

My Mimi left this morning and I got a chance to say goodbye to her after my 7A feeding. I was was Mommy! We appreciate all of her help and can't wait to see her and Grandaddy again soon.

My Auntie Ali comes home tonight from the Carolinas...I have missed her too so it will be fun when she gets back!

I can't wait to meet my Grandma and Papa too! I think they are coming to visit me in March! I will be a bigger boy then and hopefully coo-ing and interacting more so they will get lots of love from me.

A big shout out to my Auntie Jamie, Uncle Jay, Aunt Jen, and Uncle Cory! I can't wait to meet my big cousins too: Madison, Kalie, Emma, and Jhenna...all girls! I hope they don't torture me and make me play with dollies!

Signing off for now...

Lots of Baby Love,


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Scrub a Dub!

Thanks so much to my Auntie YAYU for coming to visit me on Sunday! It was so great to meet her and she even gave me my first sponge bath~ I loved the warms suds!
I can't wait to meet everyone else too...
Lots of Baby Love and Snuggles:
Camden Jon

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Camdi's First Week

Camdi has been a busy little boy this week!
Because of his good nature, we have been able to take him on a few quick trips.
On Saturday, we ran to Target and had dinner at a little Italian place with my parents and Ali.
He went to meet his pediatrician on Monday, and we are happy to report that he has almost reached his birth weight!
Today, we went to see my OB and of course he captured the hearts of the staff! I told Jeremy that it was strange to be at my OB's office holding our we'd reached the end and the beginning of a journey all at the same time.
Daddy and Camden had some special boy time this afternoon while my mom, Ali, and I went to get pedis. It was a nice quick relaxing hour away from my house...but I missed Cam so much!
I can't believe how much love both Jeremy and I feel for this special and oh so sweet little boy.
We can't stop looking at him.
I can't stop making up songs for him...he already has three or four songs customized by yours truly and I will spare you all with the details...they are just for me and my baby boy!
Our days are brighter and truly more meaningful now that Camden has come into our lives.
Call it hormones, but I'm such a mush for him...I'm so in love and I know that it will only grow with every passing moment.

Our Sweet Miracle!

After many months of anticipation, he's finally arrived!
Our little Camden Jon Weber (or as I like to call him: Littlest Baby Camdi) came into the world on Tuesday, January 8th at 6:48P. He weighed in at 8.5 and measured 20.5 inches-what a healthy boy!
We cannot believe how much we love him already...that this type of love is indescribable!
After 26 hours of inducing, I was not dilating, so I agreed to have a c-section. Now I can't imagine delivering any other way. The healing process has been much easier than I thought, and Cam came into the world alert and ready to shine!
We spent four nights in the hospital after he was born, and thankfully all the nurses got us on track!
I am happy to report that Camden has decided to "latch on" and use his mama as his "kitchen", so we will not only be saving money on formula, but our little baby boy will be getting the ingredients that nature intended!
I can't help but want to co-sleep with Cam...I know that some don't advise this behavior, and I don't plan on making it a habit; but once a night, after his 4A feeding, I love to snuggle up to him and fall asleep. We both sleep so sound and it is a brilliant feeling that I've never before experienced.
Thanks again to all of our friends and family who have been huge support systems to us...
We look forward to sharing all the joys of Camdi with you!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Camdi Update...

Despite a false alarm in mid-December, and the fact that our little guy's due date passed, we still have yet to meet our son!
We just left the doctor and he is admitting us to St. Joes early this evening at 4P to begin the process of inducing. Fortunately, he is avoiding pitocin until late tonight (4A) and will actually begin the process via a drug called cervidil. This is a hormone based drug on a time release that is supposed to start the labor process in a slow manner. If it doesnt work, pitocin begins at 4A!
I think little Camden is on his own time line (very much like his mama), but our doctor is not one who likes to let little unborn babies stay in the womb much past the due date.
I am very excited but very nervous...
I can't believe in just a few hours we will be is about to change forever!
This journey has been amazing and I cant even imagine what Camden's arrival will be like! I'm just trying to relax my mind as much as possible right now! we go....
We are off to have a nice lunch and then home to shower and change and make our way to St. Joes.

Jeremy will be sure to post an update as soon as our little man arrives!

Thanks to all of those who have been by our side emotionally through this! We can't wait for you to meet Camden.

Lots of Love!!