Monday, January 7, 2008

Camdi Update...

Despite a false alarm in mid-December, and the fact that our little guy's due date passed, we still have yet to meet our son!
We just left the doctor and he is admitting us to St. Joes early this evening at 4P to begin the process of inducing. Fortunately, he is avoiding pitocin until late tonight (4A) and will actually begin the process via a drug called cervidil. This is a hormone based drug on a time release that is supposed to start the labor process in a slow manner. If it doesnt work, pitocin begins at 4A!
I think little Camden is on his own time line (very much like his mama), but our doctor is not one who likes to let little unborn babies stay in the womb much past the due date.
I am very excited but very nervous...
I can't believe in just a few hours we will be is about to change forever!
This journey has been amazing and I cant even imagine what Camden's arrival will be like! I'm just trying to relax my mind as much as possible right now! we go....
We are off to have a nice lunch and then home to shower and change and make our way to St. Joes.

Jeremy will be sure to post an update as soon as our little man arrives!

Thanks to all of those who have been by our side emotionally through this! We can't wait for you to meet Camden.

Lots of Love!!

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