Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy One Month Dashton Bleu!!!

I'm here to report that my baby brother, Dashton Bleu is one month old today! Happy Birthday Dude! I'm so happy that you are my little bro and I wuv you soooooo much!
Dashy is such a good boy...he's following my lead in that department. Can't wait until he's older because I fully plan to show him how to push Mama and Daddy's buttons! For little bro is all about sleeping and eating! Not really sure what this whole "attachment" to Mama is during meals, but she keeps telling me that I was the same way! How can I not remember this?!
Anyway...Happy Birthday to the Sweetest Little Man! We love you and are so happy and blessed that you are in our family!
Camden Boos
and even Wiley E too!!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

My goodness - the first picture of this post (Dash) and the first picture on the side of your blog (Camden) are almost the same - they could be twins. Some boys look a lot like their daddy!!