Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lovin the Bunny!!

Hey Ya'll! We are back from our trip to Iowa! Boy did we have a great Easter with Grandma, Papa, Aunt Jamie, Uncle Cory, Aunt Jen and all of our cousins!! We were a total hit with the family and loved playing and having quality time with everyone!
One highlight of our trip was when we went to see the Easter Bunny! Me...Camden Boos...LOVED hugging and slappin high fives with Mr. Bunny! I could have hung out on his lap and snuggled all day! Me...Dashy Bleu...LOVES EVERYTHING as usual.
We were pretty good boys for road tripping such a far distance over such a short time (22 hours in four days)! Mama says that as long as we keep practicing we will be pros in no time!
Daddy is traveling the next two weekends so it's just us with Mama this weekend...but Auntie Ali is having a slumber party on Friday so we can't wait to see her when we wake up Saturday morning! Mama will be teaching her class at Seren Motus so we will have Auntie all to ourselves!
Next weekend, Mimi comes for a visit! We get to be in her arms for three whole days and we truly can't wait for all of her kisses and cuddles.
Being with family as often as we have is just further proof that moving from Los Angeles to Nashville was the right decision for all!
The trees here are sooooo pretty! Me...Camden Boos...loves to point out all of the colors of the trees and flowers! There is no prettier spring than in the South!!
Well, that's it for now! Stay tuned for some more pics of our trip to Iowa!
Cya Later!
Lots of Love!
Camden Boos and Baby Bleu!

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