Hey Friends:
Even though we were sad to say bye bye; we sure did have a great time last weekend while Daddy was at the Academy of Country Music Awards in "Begas Baby" (Las Vegas)!
Mimi came to visit and help Mama keep control of the house so I didn't run too rampant while Daddy was away. Mama was grateful because sometimes I can really be a challenge and whenever Mimi is around I am always on my best behavior!
Of course, Mimi came bearing gifts...cute clothes for me and Lil Bleu, and a new pair of Crocs complete with a basketball and a Thomas charm for each shoe!
I am really digging "Thomas Cars"; especially my new Percy train and Thomas Starter! Mimi can really rock some choo choo sounds! I can't wait until she comes back to play again...Grandaddy too!
Poor Grandaddy...Mama said he has to get his hip replaced because he is in a lot of pain! He already has one fake hip and now has to get the other one done so he can play golf again! Pretty soon we will be calling him the Tin Man! Awwwww I Wuuuuuuv You Graaaaandaddy!!
We are so glad to have Daddy back this weekend...too bad he didn't "Win Big" in "Begas Baby"...
Hope everyone is having a great weekend...due to the rainy weather, we are staying in and enjoying some family time!
Peace, Love, and Cuddles,
Camden Boos!
Welcome to the life of baby Camden Jon and Dashton Bleu Weber... We hope you will stop by to visit often and share in the journey of our little men.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
A Splendid Six Months!!!
Starting the love affair early...
Sweet Baby Bleu....
To my Littlest Dashy,
It is hard to believe that six months has already passed since you entered the world- becoming our precious baby boy and Camden's little brother.
Looking at you tonight as you lie in your crib sleeping with those tiny hands behind your head brought me to tears! You are still so tiny, yet growing so fast! I am in awe of how quickly time passes once you become a parent.
I love experiencing the world through your innocence-it reminds me how life is truly miraculous.
I remember prior to your birth; anticipating your arrival with excitement yet also with a bit of fear that I wouldn't be able to give you and Camden all that you both needed. Sweet Dashton, you have made my job very easy up to this point. You are a complete joy! With a smile and giggle that are so big-you truly exude all that is good and pure!
Currently you are rolling over from your tummy to your back and coo-ing non-stop! Crying is a rare emotion that you express...really only when you are hungry.
Speaking of eating; you stopped sleeping through the night about a month ago and I knew that it was time to start feeding you cereal. So far, you've done extremely well with it, but due to severe and unwavering eczema, we have discovered you are most likely allergic to dairy. Mama has eliminated all things diary to my diet. At first I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to do it; however, there are so many tasty and healthy options. Maybe, in some small way, you are helping me cleanse my system, (I'd do it 100 times over for you, little boy)!
Soon you will be taking the next step with food...Stage One! Mama is going to make as much of your baby food as possible; as I find great joy in doing so! I can't wait to watch you enjoy all the new tastes and textures.
You will be sitting up like a big boy soon too...
I am already beginning to see the bond develop between you and Camden. It's as though you are looking toward him to teach you. You watch him very intently and he couldn't be more in love with you! My wish is that the two of you have a bond like your Aunt Ali and I-unbreakable and the best of friends!
You are the epitome of a cuddle bug, and from the start-I have wished I could just keep you in my arms forever- that you would never be too big or too "cool" for me to hold close!
I believe that I do a good job of appreciating all of the stages that you and your big brother go through-but even still- Time...why can't we just slow it down a bit?
Looking forward to watching you experience all of the "firsts" these next few months...just promise to take it easy on how fast you accomplish them! I want to savor each and every moment of your endless wonder!
I love you more than my heart can take or my mind can comprehend. A Mama's love for her babies is like none other!
Happy Six Months Sweet Dashton Bleu Weber!
You Are Loved Beyond Measure!!
- Your Mama
Sweet Baby Bleu....
To my Littlest Dashy,
It is hard to believe that six months has already passed since you entered the world- becoming our precious baby boy and Camden's little brother.
Looking at you tonight as you lie in your crib sleeping with those tiny hands behind your head brought me to tears! You are still so tiny, yet growing so fast! I am in awe of how quickly time passes once you become a parent.
I love experiencing the world through your innocence-it reminds me how life is truly miraculous.
I remember prior to your birth; anticipating your arrival with excitement yet also with a bit of fear that I wouldn't be able to give you and Camden all that you both needed. Sweet Dashton, you have made my job very easy up to this point. You are a complete joy! With a smile and giggle that are so big-you truly exude all that is good and pure!
Currently you are rolling over from your tummy to your back and coo-ing non-stop! Crying is a rare emotion that you express...really only when you are hungry.
Speaking of eating; you stopped sleeping through the night about a month ago and I knew that it was time to start feeding you cereal. So far, you've done extremely well with it, but due to severe and unwavering eczema, we have discovered you are most likely allergic to dairy. Mama has eliminated all things diary to my diet. At first I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to do it; however, there are so many tasty and healthy options. Maybe, in some small way, you are helping me cleanse my system, (I'd do it 100 times over for you, little boy)!
Soon you will be taking the next step with food...Stage One! Mama is going to make as much of your baby food as possible; as I find great joy in doing so! I can't wait to watch you enjoy all the new tastes and textures.
You will be sitting up like a big boy soon too...
I am already beginning to see the bond develop between you and Camden. It's as though you are looking toward him to teach you. You watch him very intently and he couldn't be more in love with you! My wish is that the two of you have a bond like your Aunt Ali and I-unbreakable and the best of friends!
You are the epitome of a cuddle bug, and from the start-I have wished I could just keep you in my arms forever- that you would never be too big or too "cool" for me to hold close!
I believe that I do a good job of appreciating all of the stages that you and your big brother go through-but even still- Time...why can't we just slow it down a bit?
Looking forward to watching you experience all of the "firsts" these next few months...just promise to take it easy on how fast you accomplish them! I want to savor each and every moment of your endless wonder!
I love you more than my heart can take or my mind can comprehend. A Mama's love for her babies is like none other!
Happy Six Months Sweet Dashton Bleu Weber!
You Are Loved Beyond Measure!!
- Your Mama
Monday, April 12, 2010
My New Buddy...
Greetings Everybody! I have someone I'd like for ya'll to meet: My New Buddy Gavin!
Mama has agreed for me to have a playdate with this cool dude on Monday and Wednesday mornings! What's great is that Mama makes a little money and me and my new pal get to kick it! Today was our first day and we had lots of fun...guess what, Gavs likes to play basketball almost as much as I do! He's also really good at baseball- I may be able to take a few pointers from him and be ready for Tball by next summer! We enjoyed the beautiful morning by playing on the playground for a long time with Mama while Dashy snoozed in his swing! By the time Baby Bleu woke up it was lunchtime for all! Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwhiches- yummmmy!!
At noon, Lindsay, Gavin's Mama came to pick him up and we both had to take our dreaded naps! Neither one of us are too into napping but our Mamas say it will make us grow big and strong!
I was so excited to be able to introduce you to my new friend, but it's off to dreamland I must go!
Lots and Lots of Love and Snuggles!
Camden Boos
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Lil Swingers!
Hey Ya'll!
Check out our new playground...we have been patiently waiting its arrival since Mimi and Grandaddy bought it for us at Christmas! Well friends, the wait is over and we are LOVING all of the cool features! A tire swing, rockwall, lookout station, slide, and of course swings!!! So much fun!
Gotta go scat...the Boos Playground awaits!!
Much Love!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Lovin the Bunny!!

Hey Ya'll! We are back from our trip to Iowa! Boy did we have a great Easter with Grandma, Papa, Aunt Jamie, Uncle Cory, Aunt Jen and all of our cousins!! We were a total hit with the family and loved playing and having quality time with everyone!
One highlight of our trip was when we went to see the Easter Bunny! Me...Camden Boos...LOVED hugging and slappin high fives with Mr. Bunny! I could have hung out on his lap and snuggled all day! Me...Dashy Bleu...LOVES EVERYTHING as usual.
We were pretty good boys for road tripping such a far distance over such a short time (22 hours in four days)! Mama says that as long as we keep practicing we will be pros in no time!
Daddy is traveling the next two weekends so it's just us with Mama this weekend...but Auntie Ali is having a slumber party on Friday so we can't wait to see her when we wake up Saturday morning! Mama will be teaching her class at Seren Motus so we will have Auntie all to ourselves!
Next weekend, Mimi comes for a visit! We get to be in her arms for three whole days and we truly can't wait for all of her kisses and cuddles.
Being with family as often as we have is just further proof that moving from Los Angeles to Nashville was the right decision for all!
The trees here are sooooo pretty! Me...Camden Boos...loves to point out all of the colors of the trees and flowers! There is no prettier spring than in the South!!
Well, that's it for now! Stay tuned for some more pics of our trip to Iowa!
Cya Later!
Lots of Love!
Camden Boos and Baby Bleu!
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