Sunday, January 31, 2010

In Living Color!!!

Hey Everyone...check me out as I share the colors of my world!! My teachers at school say I'm a very smart little man!

Hope all is well...

Lots of Love, Kisses, and Cuddles...

Mr. Lookalou Himself!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Three Months Of Love!!

Hey's me...Dashy B!

Can ya'll believe it was my three month birthday yesterday? I sure am getting big and wise for my months!

As you can see from my film debut, I love to coo- Mama says I sound like a baby seal! She also says that I'm a big flirt! I'm all about giving out love and cuddles!!!

Happiness is where it's at, my friends!! I truly am one happy little man!!

Despite the joy that I bring into the world, we have had a bit of a rough week! Mama got really sick and we weren't sure what was wrong. At first she thought she had a really bad flu- but then we learned it was mastitis! She was in a lot of pain...headache, fever, chills, rash...the whole nine yards! I have been helping her out by nursing a lot! I woke up twice the first two nights she was sick to nurse and this helped her a great deal! I woke up just once last night, as I think she is getting better! Hopefully tonight we will all be sleeping until the sun comes up!

Daddy just left for his big business trip to Alabama today! We were all sad to see him go, but Mama plans to keep us all busy and have lots of fun too! She is even going to have a Girls Night (whatever that means) on Saturday!!

As far as my big brother Camden Boos goes...well, he is just the best! He keeps me entertained! I always have a smile on my face when he is around! He gives me lots of kisses...and is showing me the ropes on how to shoot hoops! Maybe someday I'll be as good as him!

That's it for now...gotta go take a nap!

Love and Smiles!

Dashy Bleu!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Camden!!! A Letter From Mama

To My Big Boy,
It is late tonight, and I am just sitting down to write to you after peaking in your bedroom. Mama loves to watch you sleep…so innocent and peaceful!
Tonight is a special one…the eve of your second birthday! I cannot believe how fast these two years have passed- feels like I was just holding you for the first time only days ago!
As I entered your room tonight, there you were- positioned just as you were moments after being born: with your hands in fists and your tiny arms up over your head; only those arms aren’t so little anymore! Sure you still are (and always will be) my baby boy- but tonight I marveled at how much you’ve grown, not only in size!
This past year has been so magical! Watching you become a toddler has been more fun than I could have possibly dreamed- and a true learning experience as well! From the moment you began walking soon after your first birthday, you developed a sense of independence! This is a blessing and a curse to your Mama because there are times when I just want to hold you close, but you are so busy chasing life and taking in all of your surroundings.
You have inherited my silliness- for this…I’m grateful.
You have inherited my strong will- and for this at times…I’m frightened, (although I know that once you learn how to channel this, it will play as one of your strengths).
I will say it again…I truly wish I could pause time! In my heart I know that one of my best assets as a Mama is that I revel in the little moments; in fact, I can’t get enough of them!
From the way your adorable cheeks look when you chew your food, to your furrowed brow when you are uncertain about something, to the way you love to dance in the car, skip, play basketball, your undying obsession with balloons, and your ever growing vocabulary!
Camden Jon Weber…you simply amaze and inspire me on a daily basis!
You are talking up a storm these days-even putting sentences together! Every day it’s something new and I look forward to every sunrise, as I know it will bring moments of sheer joy and humor! Don’t get me wrong, you also have “toddler moments”:
You have begun hitting Mama and Daddy, when you don’t get your way sometimes you throw your cup, your food, or even yourself down on the floor (my little Drama King), the word “no” is one you use often and you’d rather have chocolate than anything else.
Despite spending a few minutes in Time Out, your moments of sweetness far outweigh the challenges!
You love being read to! Books, books, and more books! Currently your favorite is: Goodnight Moon but you also enjoy: It’s Time To Sleep My Love, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, On The Night You Were Born, and Little Pea, just to name a few!
Today at the playground you melted my heart into a puddle! I was feeding Dashy while observing you in action. You took an interest in a cute little blonde girl…Hearing your giggles and seeing you chase and be chased was a milestone. No longer do you play “around” other kids…but you are beginning to play “with” them!
Tucking you in at night is a must for Mama…my day just doesn’t feel complete unless I get to read you a book (or three), put you under your covers, snuggle for a few minutes, tell you “LOVE”, and of course…hear you say it back!
Thank you Camden…you light up my world and are a blessing from the heavens!
May you always know how much you are loved, may you always shine, and no matter how old you get, may you always have a kind, gentle, and loving heart!
Happy Second Birthday My Littlest Lookalou! You are my dream come true!
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Monday, January 4, 2010

My First Christmas...

What's Up Everybody? It's me...Dashy B with my first annual holiday report!

Wow...this Christmas thing sure is cool! I got to be all warm and snuggled in a moving car (my favorite) for hours on end in order to see Mimi, Grandaddy, and Auntie Ali! I also finally got to meet Gigi, Grandad Ben, Auntie B, Uncle Jer, Kellie, Dave, Elise, Avery, Jane, Jerry, Jessie, and JJ (whew...that was a lot of introductions)!

I spent a lot of time cuddled in the arms of those who love me and I couldn't have asked for more!

Everyone kept talking about this Santa character, I tired to figure out who he was (among many other interesting sights, smells, and sounds) while in Ohio- but no such luck. Maybe next year!

I continue to be the happiest and most calm little boy, which makes Mama and Daddy count their blessings (twice because I hear I am following in the "good baby"footsteps of my Big Bro)! I aim to please and LOVE to cuddle!
Mama loves to make me laugh, and I like to do so in return. I have, what she calls, a "flirty brow"; which means I can raise just my right eyebrow...Other than smile and coo, it's Mama's favorite thing to see me do these days!
I am sleeping through the night and have been since the day I turned two months old! I get a good bit of food toward the end of the night, as I like to go on a "nursing binge" from about 7P-11P. Mama doesn't mind because she gets to love on me and then I sleep like a big boy in return!

Well, gotta hit the sack...I have a full tummy and lots of growing to do!

Love and Snuggles,

Little Boy Bleu!
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Ohio Adventures...

Making Baskets with Auntie in the Snow!!!
My Pimp Ride...
Dinner at the Big Kids Table...
Playin Basketball with my cool cousin... JJ!
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Holly Jolly!

Happy New Year!! It's me...Camden Boos signing in to give ya'll a little update on my latest adventure!
I had the best Christmas...we all drove to Ohio to spend the holidays with Mimi, Grandaddy, Auntie Ali, Gigi & Great Grandad Ben, Auntie B, Uncle Jerry, and all of my cool cousins!! Stay tuned for more photos...

I enjoyed a few firsts...
I got my first pair of Ugg boots! They keep my piggies warm plus I look so cool and loooove to strut around the house (or anywhere Mama will let me wear them). I plan on sharing them with Dashy when he is big enough to borrow them!
I am now officially the owner of a blue Jeep! Yep that's right...look out for me in a yard near you...I have the coolest car that I plan on picking up all the ladies around town!
Grandaddy also helped me complete my first wine tasting...just a little taste on my tongue! I can see why Mama gets so excited for her "vino"!
Mimi got me the coolest has her voice reading Twas the Night Before Christmas...which she always read to my Mama and Auntie Ali while they were growing up!
See Saaaaa (Santa) came to visit too...although I didn't see him, I KNOW he's real (and if any of you fools tell me otherwise, it's war)!!!
I got lots of great presents but I think my favorite one was the Playground that Mimi and Grandaddy got for Dashy and me! It's sooo cool and I will (again) be the hit of the neighborhood with all of the ladies! It has a rockwall for when I'm bigger, a tire swing, and my favorite..A SLIDE!!
It's hard to believe that in just a few days I will be two! I couldn't go the week without updating everybody on what a great Christmas I had!
Getting ready and excited for my second birthday party on Saturday! It's a jungle theme and all of my buddies (well, the ones that live here in Nashy) are going to be there! To those who can't join in...I'll be sure to eat a lot of extra cake in your honor!

With Love!!
Mr. Lookalou Himself!

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