Saturday, January 3, 2009

Got Milk?...I Do!

As you can see above...I am starting to use my walker! I can stand up like a real big boy all by myself and I think I will probably walk really soon! I just like to keep everyone on pins and needles!
Today was a really big day in the life of...ME! Mommy and Daddy gave me my first bottle of whole milk...Organic, of course! I reallllllly liked it! Although a huge milestone for me, Mommy is a bit sad...I keep trying to tell her not to worry because I'm not finished with her just yet! I looooove cuddling with Mommy before bed, so I think I will stay "attached" to her for just a while longer!
Let the countdown begin...5 days until my first birthday! I'm so excited-I'm having a big boy party and so many friends and loved ones will be there! I will miss my Grandma, Papa, Auntie Webers and my Weber cousins-but I know how much they love me and that they will soon come visit!
Signing off with love and joy!
Camden Boos!

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