Saturday, January 31, 2009

Walkin Like a Big Boy!!

As I am in all of my walking glory! The video is a bit long, but hey, you all said you wanted to see me in action!

I am almost 13 months and am soaking up life like a little sponge- I love to tell everyone how big I am "soooo big" and I tell Mommy and Daddy that I'm "all done" (not by speaking, but by hand motions). I like to brush my hair, have tubby time, and chase after my puppy! Oh yes, and I'm still obsessed with any kind of ball! I currently have so many I've lost count...but my fav is still my big red one!

I have six teeth so I'm finally starting to get into big boy food- I loooooove sweet corn! Organic, of course! I also really like my soy milk and my soy yogurt! I don't do well with cow's milk...but neither does Mommy, so I take after her!

I never did talk about my birthday was so fun! We all gathered together at my Auntie Kari, Uncle Mark, and buddy Collier's neighborhood clubhouse for pizza, cake (reduced sugar for me...made with love by my Auntie Ali), and fun! So many of our friends and family came to celebrate...ME! I loved my cake and sat quietly eating it and checking out the texture of the icing in my hands! Thanks to everyone who helped make my first birthday so much fun! Oh yeah, and Mommy cried when everyone sang to me...Geeeeeeze Mom!!

Mommy, Daddy, Wiley and Me get to move into our new house in less than one month and we cannot wait to start this new chapter of our lives!

Signing off for now!

Lots of Love and Cuddles and Kisses!

Camden Boos!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Just wanted to report that I am beginning to walk! Tonight I took several steps toward my basketball hoop and then I made a basket! Mommy and Daddy shouted "Horrrraaaaay" so I did it again...and again!

We will post some video soon...

Love you all!

Camden Jon!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Birthday Letter From Mommy...

My Sweet Baby Boy!
I have been looking through pictures all night of your first year. I am in awe of your innocence-your brilliance! There are so many clear memories that I have of this last year:

The very moment you arrived in this world-hearing your first cry…how you were swaddled and the nurses placed your sweet little lips to mine prior to taking me to the recovery room and you to the nursery; the first time I nursed you in the hospital; when you first fell asleep in my arms; bringing you home and knowing in my heart of hearts that I wanted to be the best Mommy to you possible; I remember many sleepless nights, but even in those moments feeling peace that you were in my life…healthy and glowing. Our first cuddles in the morning and the ones at the end of each day; Your first trip to the beach with me and your Auntie Ali; the countless amounts of runs that I went for-taking you with me while you slept in your jogging stroller; the books I read to you at the end of each night; the smiles, coos, giggles, babbles …and even the very few tears! You have been nothing but a joy to your Daddy, me, and everyone with whom you meet.
The essence of a miracle…the root of my happiness!

Life has been nothing but blessings since you arrived…you are our little good luck charm! You exude goodness, happiness, and true beauty. You remind me to slow down and appreciate my surroundings.

Since the first moment I held you in my arms, I was forever changed. I hold a place in my heart for you that is so special…words cannot describe. The love that lives within me is unlike any I’ve ever known.

You are such a sweet natured boy-always smiling, laughing- yet you are determined… trying to figure out the world around you. Soon you will be walking and then this world will be yours for the taking.

Today I am filled with joy and gratitude for a higher power! Never for one moment since you have been in my life have I taken you for granted, and I promise you that I never will. As much as it makes me sad to know that I can’t pause time, I am filled with anticipation and excitement for all of the precious moments ahead!

I always wondered if I would “take” to motherhood and believe me when I tell you that there is nothing else I’d rather do than be in your presence!

I know that you will not remember the moments of this first year, but I will…

Happy First Birthday Camden Jon Weber…my “Teeny Tiny Lookalou”!

May all the coming years bring as much joy as your first!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Got Milk?...I Do!

As you can see above...I am starting to use my walker! I can stand up like a real big boy all by myself and I think I will probably walk really soon! I just like to keep everyone on pins and needles!
Today was a really big day in the life of...ME! Mommy and Daddy gave me my first bottle of whole milk...Organic, of course! I reallllllly liked it! Although a huge milestone for me, Mommy is a bit sad...I keep trying to tell her not to worry because I'm not finished with her just yet! I looooove cuddling with Mommy before bed, so I think I will stay "attached" to her for just a while longer!
Let the countdown begin...5 days until my first birthday! I'm so excited-I'm having a big boy party and so many friends and loved ones will be there! I will miss my Grandma, Papa, Auntie Webers and my Weber cousins-but I know how much they love me and that they will soon come visit!
Signing off with love and joy!
Camden Boos!

Christmas Cheer and Happy New Year!

Happy 2009 Everybody!

I had a great first Christmas in Ohio...there were so many fun gifts, but most importantly, so much love surrounding me!
Check out these pictures of my trip!
Here I am in my "big boy business coat" that Auntie Ali bought for's still a little bit big, but who cares-I'm so handsome!
I love my big cousins...JJ, Avery, Elise, and Jessie! They played with me so much...JJ even let me play basketball with him!
My Puppy is one cool dude...he is so much fun and there is no other game I'd rather play than fetch with him!

Ahhh Grandaddy...he's the coolest!

Auntie Ali spoils me with love! She's my pal and I know that someday she's going to teach me how to get in to trouble, but not get caught!

The New Year has been good to us Webers so far! We are so blessed and love living in Nashville!
Big News: Mommy and Daddy just bought me and Wiley a house! We are moving in February and we are all so excited! The house is exactly what we had all been looking for and can't wait for friends and loved ones to come and visit us! Wiley and I have a really big back yard to play in!We had our inspection on Friday and everything is looking really good! We "close" on the house the first week of February and then it will be time to settle in! I'm so happy for Mommy and Daddy because they have been waiting so patiently for the perfect home to come along...and it finally did!
Stay tuned...I will be updating very soon!
Lots of New Year Love and Kisses,
Lil Boos!