Monday, December 13, 2010

An Update from Little Boy Bleu

Hey Ya'll!!

It's been a bit since I've blogged, so I thought I'd take a moment to catch you adults on what I've been up to these days!
Life is sweet for me and now that I've started crawling, I'm a much happier little dude!

Tomorrow there is a therapist coming to meet me and check my motor skills! Mama and Daddy just want to be sure that I'm ok and are doing all that they can to help me reach my full potential! I know they worry about once we have some feedback from our visitor tomorrow, I'm hoping they can rest a bit easier!

No matter what, I'm a sweet and loving little boy! I don't scream nearly as much as I used to because I'm able to express myself in words! I more than make up for my delay in gross motor by my advanced verbal skills!

Our new pediatrician said I have the social and verbal skills of an 18 month old!! Yay Me!!!

I LOVE to try to say new words! So far, at a few days shy of 14 months, I can say the following: Mama, Dada, Baba, Mimi, Ali, Dog, Cat, Tree, Uh-Oh, Ball, Car, 'MMMMMM (when I like what I'm eating) Nigh Nigh, Bye Bye, TV, Pee Pee (ha ha), and a few more...

In addition, I can mimic on que the animal sounds for a: cat, cow, duck and monkey!

Hard to believe that this time last year I was so teeny tiny! This Christmas I'm so excited because I will get to play with our new toys with my big brother...hopefully he will share his cars with me because I LOVE cars and want to be just like Camden Boos!!

Stay Warm and Cozy!!!

Lots of Love... Baby Bleu
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1 comment:

Amy Davis said...

Sounds like you have yourself a little baby Einstein! He is precious!!!