Monday, March 15, 2010

We Are Family!!!

Hey Ya'll!

We sure did have a great time with Mimi and Grandaddy when they came to visit! Although they were here to celebrate Auntie Ali's 30th birthday, we still had lots of family time to snuggle and be loved on by them! They truly are so much fun and always make us smile!

Grandaddy loves to play basketball with me...Mimi would cuddle Dashy and cheer me on as I showed off all of my cool dude moves! I really am quite the little basketball star already! I LOVE to watch "ba-ball on teeeeyeeee" (translation: basketball on tv) and Mama and Daddy don't know how this came to be; because they really don't watch sports in our house! The good thing is that Mama's favorite sport is basketball- I don't think she could take it if I took a liking to football or even worse: GOLF! YUCK! (sorry Grandaddy)! Mama still hopes that one day I will be a little guitar hero or hip hop star!!!

On Saturday-
Mama took Mimi to the studio where she continues her fitness apprentiship: Seren Motus Fitness Studios and got to teach a good part of the class that Mimi took! Mimi said that her arms and legs were really sore!

Grandaddy, Dashy, and me went to play at the gym and then had a boys lunch while Mama, Auntie Ali, and Mimi had a girls day of pedicures, lunch, and shopping!

This past week we all took Auntie Ali to Pancake Pantry to celebrate her birthday-we all ate lots of yummy food and enjoyed that we got to celebrate her special day! We feel so lucky to have Auntie living her and love her soooooo much!

That's it for now...the sun is shining and we have lots of things to do today!

Kisses and Cuddles:
Camden Boos and Dashy Bleu
PS: Sorry it has been so long since we posted...our computer has been having some issues!

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