Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Here I am...Big Boy Camden Boos celebrating my very first Halloween! I had such a good time with my girlfriend Ballerina Brecken as our Mommies and Daddies pulled us in the Radio Flyer wagon while all the other big kids trick or treated through the neighborhood! I am telling Santa that I want a wagon just like Brecken's so when she comes over for a date, we can ride around in style!
Mommy and Daddy had fun with Brecken's parents, Danielle and Matt on Halloween- they are very lucky to have found such great friends and so enjoy spending time with them! They are expecting a baby in June 2009, so I wont be the youngest kiddo in the group anymore!

We are loving Nashville so much...especially now that its Autumn and the leaves are such beautiful shades of reds, yellows, and oranges! Mommy said if we were still in California, the leaves would still be green...

An update on me...I'm really moving and grooving these days! Mommy said she will post a video of me soon! I love the new toy that Mimi and Grandaddy bought me...I cruise around it and bop to the music! I already have a good little sense of rhythm!
My favorite type of toy is a ball...I can almost say the word...right now it's: Baaaa, but I think I'll surprise Mommy and Daddy soon with the complete word!
I have a big red ball that I pick up over my head and throw...as you can see below, I'm very strong and I mean business! I also love to play "fetch" with Wiley!

Can you all believe that I'm almost ten months old? Time really flies...and I'm having FUN!
I'm just a sweet little lover of life...

Sending Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Joy....

Camden Boos!

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