Friday, March 14, 2008

Hey Kid...Stop Cryin!

Greetings from Babyland!
As you can see from the photos, I had my first playdate with my new pal, Avery! He is a lot smaller than me, but only 7 weeks younger! Avery's Mommy and Daddy are friends with my Mommy and Daddy and they brought him over to our party last Saturday. I really wanted to check him out, but he was screaming in my ear, so I was a little shocked. Oh well, I can't wait to see him again, anyway! He's a cool cat, my pal Aves!


Mindy said...

well jeremy i think he is starting to look like you. he's a cutie & getting big!

Carrie said...

I agree that he is looking more like Jeremy. Hopefully, he will act like Amy. Ha!

Gina said...

I LOVE the expression on his face... he is getting so big! Where does the time go? Miss you!!!xoxo