Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy One Month Birthday Baby Camden!

Today is a big day in more than one way...First, I'm celebrating my one month of being in the world. Happy Birthday to me!
Next...and this is a big one...I slept 6 hours in a row last night. I think I scared Mommy and Daddy, but as soon as they came to check on me, it was obvious that I was ok...just a growing boy who needs his sleep!
Mommy loves the green and navy outfit on me that is pictured above to the far right. Tonight she went to put me in it and it's almost too small. I'm getting so big and strong.
I've been smiling a lot more and making lots of eye contact with Mommy and Daddy! I know I just melt their hearts and I plan to do many more things that will amaze them!
Mommy's favorite thing to do with me is put me in my stoller and take me for walks. I know that Mommy is trying to get back in shape...and I'm glad that I get to come along with her! We walked three miles yesterday! Tonight Daddy joined us on our walk and we went to the petstore to buy Wiley, my puppy, some cookies. It was fun.
So that's it for now...I am getting hungry so I think I will go make some of my cute grunting noises to let Mommy know that its time. Maybe I will sleep 6 hours again tonight...maybe not!
Lots of Baby Snuggles and Love!
Littlest Baby Camden

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 month B-day Baby Camden! Do your mom and dad a favor and continue the 6 hour sleep thing!
We love you!
kellie, dave, elise & avery