Monday, January 7, 2019

Eleven and Living Here As In Heaven!!

Camden Boos…. how are you eleven years old already?!!! 

I am taken back so easily to the day you were born! I remember it like it was yesterday. 

Written January 16, 2008

After many months of anticipation, he's finally arrived!
Our little Camden Jon Weber (or as I like to call him: Littlest Baby Camden) came into the world on Tuesday, January 8th at 6:48P. He weighed in at 8.5 and measured 20.5 inches-what a healthy boy…
We cannot believe how much we love him already...that this type of love is indescribable…

God created you to be a leader, my boy; because you’ve been leading me toward HIM since the day we first learned that we were pregnant. I remember being so afraid that I would not know how to love you or what to do once you were born. Fear was a regular emotion in my day to day, as I didn’t know Jesus for the first 8 years of your life. Nevertheless, HE was using you all the while to lead me into HIS Truth. 

We have had quite the year discovering, navigating, and talking about every topic under the sun in order to keep you safe, informed, and innocent. You respond beautifully to our sometimes-challenging conversations; as an honest and heartfelt connection is of utmost importance to you. 
I have held you while you cried tears from in-justice, and we have logged many hours learning how to pray together…prayers against fears and prayers for those that hurt us. 
What do we always say?
“Hurt people…Hurt people”. 

I have watched you learn to put your emotions to the side, choose Jesus, and pray for those that have hurt your heart. That’s a lot of growing up at 10 years old, though you stepped into the discomfort brilliantly and grown considerably. 

You are a gift, my son! A boy who lives from his heart: sensitive, introspective, talented, goal oriented, driven, passionate, and very very sure you are going to be one of the most vertically challenged point guards to ever ink a deal with the NBA! 
Cam, I’m sorry that I never told you about our naming you: Camden Jon -so maybe someday you could go by CJ! This has been your latest small disappointment in life. Hey…it’s never too late to change things up. One thing that’s for sure…we’ve always got your back, homey. 

You have such a calling on your life, Cam. Being a witness to you living in your identity is a feeling that I cannot put into words…Perfect Peace! 
God has shown your Daddy and I how to specifically pray for and prophesy over you. God has shown us time and time again that you are a Carrier of Love and Healing. We are overjoyed to watch you begin to shine in this gifting, which is best summed up by this post made on social media just a few days ago. 

January 2, 2019: 9:19pm
Signs. Wonders. Miracles. God Appointments! Jesus is so ALIVE! 
Tonight, while in Atlanta, our family was waiting for our car to be brought to us from the hotel valet. As we waited, a man approached. He explained to us that he is homeless and that he needed $11 to get a shower and a hot meal at the shelter located just blocks away. So, we spent some time with this man, whose name is George. Though he was soaking wet from the rain, George’s eyes danced with Truth. As we talked some, we all quickly learned that George is Spirit filled, articulate, completely precious and totally consumed with JOY. He told us about his parents passing during hurricane Katrina. “I lost a lot in that hurricane but one thing I gained was my relationship with God,” he said as he peacefully smiled. George was wearing socks and flip flops while walking in the pouring rain. He explained that he can’t wear regular shoes because he still has gangrene from injuries he endured during Katrina. After a little while we asked George if we could pray for healing in his foot. He nodded and smiled. So, our boy, Cam, bends down, lays his brave hands on the top of George’s foot and speaks life and healing in Jesus name. I was UNDONE- especially if you read the post that I made only hours prior. 
After Camden stood up, George said: “I have been standing in the pouring rain all evening and God just now told me to "move" {and I met you all}. “Cam this appointment was for you... God wants you to practice your gifts”. He went on to praise God for who He is. We continued to talk a little while more and just as we were about to say our goodbyes, George looked at all of us and said, “Don’t just listen you guys... make sure you HEAR”. 

The post that I made only hours earlier was: 

January 2, 2019: 10:38am

Thank You, God, for our boys!! Kingdom chargers and world changers! I declare and believe that they will hold fast to one another and to their faith as long as they reside this side of the veil! I declare and believe that they will live with their eyes and hearts fixed on heaven! I declare and believe that they will be leaders who rise up to operate in their prophetic and healing anointing while leading many into Truth! In Jesus Name!  

As we make our way into preparation for middle school, we aren’t sure what’s next or where you will attend though we are trusting and praying for clarity. I couldn’t be prouder by your open-handed approach at discovering God’s best for you. I’m praising daily that your future and hope is secure in Truth and I declare and believe that you will choose Heaven over earth daily when faced with the tough decisions that will present themselves. 

At eleven years old, I can honestly say with every confidence: 
·      You know that repentance is a beautiful gift and that shame is a lie. 
·      You know that “clean songs” and “video games that everyone else is playing” doesn’t always equate to being good for your soul, and you know how to find a sick beat with truth filled lyrics. 
·      You know that what the world offers is not always the right choice and your best choice is always what God wants and can always be found in His word. You also know this will be a daily battle but that He fights on your behalf!  Thank You, Jesus! 

The 11thbook of the new testament is Philippians. 
I wanted to see what the 11th verse said in this book…and with zero coincidence and every confidence, I say that it was a Spirt led discovery on this night before your birthday. 

Philippians 1 

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

Happy 11thBirthday to the boy, who by being born, began a deep healing in my heart! I love you with all that I am. I am honored to have been chosen to be your mommy, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for you! 

Love, Love, Love,
Matthew 10:8
As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

 My Cuddle Boos Forever! 
 That Joy! 
 Riding Shot Gun! 
 5th Grade! 
 Surrounded Worship Event 2018!
Carrier of Love and Healing! 

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