Saturday, January 8, 2011

Birthday Love From Mama...

Happy Birthday Camden!!!

How is it that You have turned the magic number of 3 already-Where has the time gone?
I vividly remember the day You were born...

In retrospect, I was far more nervous to become a parent than necessary; because from the first moment I held You in my arms, my heart became swollen with a love unlike I had ever known and instantly I knew what it felt like to be Your Mommy!

Calling You a blessing just does not do You justice!

This year has brought about many transformations in You...but one thing never changes: Your endless silliness and zest for life! It is evident that these characteristics are only going to grow with You and help to shape the very person You will continue to become.

Although very unbending and sometimes stubborn; Your sweet natured innocence is infections and brilliant!
Keeping Daddy and I on our toes is an attribute that we know will remain; and as challenging as it may be for us at times, we want You to be strong and know who YOU are!

You exude energy...sometimes more than Mama can handle...but I wouldn't have it any other way!
From the moment Your tiny little feet hit the floor in the morning, You are singing silly songs, jumping, laughing, dancing, and begging for those around You to join in on YOUR Party!! And what a Party it is!

Your favorites at present include: Mickey Mouse, Little Einsteins, Thomas the Train, and of course: anything that has four wheels!

In addition, You are very social and love having Dance Parties with Mama, Dashy, and Gavin; loving on your best girl, Brecken; meeting new people young and old, playing at school with Your friends, spending time with and getting spoiled by family, and exploring many new adventures.

I do, however, wish You'd try new foods...but we will keep working on it. :)

We hope to introduce You to the world of Hip Hop Dance Classes this year...stay tuned!

You have truly become verbal and conversational. Sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a man trapped in a little boys body- Hilarious and I know this will become even more so within the coming months!

Daddy and I can't wait to see what You have in store for us in the coming years!

The joy that You have brought to those who know You is indescribable- but a feeling that captures many hearts and smiles.

What melts my heart more than anything is watching You BE a Big Brother to our Dashy! Being the oldest child in a family holds many responsibilities and I have no doubt that You will live up to them beyond our dreams. Dashy already admires His Camden!

So here I tears as I reflect on all the blessings that I've received from being Your Mama and I can't help but thank God for gracing me with YOU!

Every night I peak in on You as You sleep so peacefully, I'm reminded how You are wound tightly around my heart forever and always!
Continue to embrace all the beauty of the world around You and grow strongly but not too swiftly Camden Boos...My "Teeny Tiny Lookalou"!

With More Love Than One Heart Can Hold,
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searching the next home said...

Amy, this is incredibly beautiful and I know one day when Camden reads it he will feel the love you have for him every moment of every day. What a special and wonderful idea to keep this blog. Thank you for sharing it and inspiring me!
Love always
Stephanie Yenn

drmadkt said...

Amo and Jeremy
those boys are as lucky or possibly even luckier to have You! As you feel to have them ...hard to imagine I know :)
I feel honoured even further to see how much you have grown and how motherhood is naturally gorgeous on you.
Happy Bday Camden, you are everything Momma says. Your parents are ready to discover with you with open minds and hearts..
Love like this feels like magic .
Love u Lookalou ;)
and wow look who got the best balloon ever ;) xo hugs from California
Auntie Yayu

Amy Davis said...

What a great mama you are Amy! And all of your words are spoken so beautifully! I always get teared up reading your posts!! Girl why you gotta make me cry at 8:30 am? lol Thanks again for inviting us to a very fun party! Happy Birthday Camden!!!!

Unknown said...

Amy..such beautiful words that brought tears to my eyes! Happy Birthday Camden! xoxo