Friday, May 28, 2010

Big Boy!!!!

Check me out, ya'll...I finally have this sitting thing in the bag! As you can see, I'm quite proud of myself and am loving my new perspective on life!

Mama took me and Camden to make Daddy a super secret and special Daddy's Day gift for him- it was so much fun because all of our other little buddies were there too!! After our adventure, Mama took us to lunch at Auntie Ali's restaurant. I sat in a high chair for the first time and was all smiles...but lets face it: I'm ALWAYS all smiles!!

We are getting ready for our Summer Kick Off Party tomorrow with all of our cool pals and their Mamas and Daddys! Crossing my little teeny tiny fingers it doesn't rain!!

Love and Smiles Galore,

Dashy Bleu

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