Friday, July 30, 2010

...I Wanna Bang On De Drum All Day!

Hey Ya'll...Check out my cool new drum set! My Auntie Ali is the best!! She brought it over today and I can't stop rockin out!!!

A few other cool things to report-

I am now wearing big boy undies! Only two little accidents today- not too bad, huh? I take a lot of joy out of the fact that I can go potty by myself (TT, not Poo Poo-but I'll get it all down soon)! I even have a potty dance that Mama and I made up! I sure do look silly doing it, but Mama looks even more silly when she does it!!

Dashy is finally starting to show signs of crawling- I'm predicting within the next few weeks! I was crawling much sooner, but we know that my little brudder has a mind of his own and will get around to it in his own sweet time!

Our trip to Ohio was great...we all had a lot of special time with Gigi and Grandaddy Ben; and of course being in the arms of my Mimi and Grandaddy only made it that much better!! I sure do have a sweet spot in my heart for them! I even got to play with my cousins Avery, Jessie, and JJ! My oldest cousin, Elise, wasn't there but I hope to see her next time! We are going back at the end of August to have some more time with them again!

Well, gotta run..."I gotta go TT so I can get a Smarty"!!!

Lots of Love and Toliet Bowl Flushes!!!

~ Camden Boos!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Brotherly LOVE!!!

Greetings Friends!! We sure are having a great summer...both of us are growing up way to fast for Mama's taste, but we make sure we keep it fun and interesting so she doesn't miss a moment of our cuteness (and wildness too)!
A new favorite past time is to hang out in Mr. Camden Boos room after naps where we read and play with Mama. Our naptimes are almost in sync so Mama has been able to get some things done around the house lately (even if it is just lunch, a simple shower and a quick phone call)!
We sure do love our buddy Gavin...he is with us on Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings and we all have really gotten into a great playtime groove! Of course, we still have our Dance Parties post lunchtime! A new summer past time is to run through the sprinklers and get as dirty as possible so Mama has to throw us in a bubble bath!!

In other news, we are going to Ohio this weekend...Our Great Grandaddy Ben is sick so we are headed his way to bring him so love and smiles! He was just diagnosed with small cell Cancer and we ask that you keep him in your thoughts and prayers- we all love and admire him so very much!

We will be sure to write again soon.

Lots of Love and Snuggles: Camden Boos and Dashy Bleu
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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Young Love...

Here we and my best girl, Breckie during a late night tubby rendezvous!

She and her Mama-Dee, Daddy-Matt, and Baby Brother Lofton (aka: Baby Wafin) all came by the other night to hang out with us! Our new friends Will and Finn (whose Mama is Ginger and Daddy is TJ) also came by! It's so nice having fun friends to be silly with!

Wishing Everyone Love and Smiles!!

Mr. Boos!

PS: MY baby Dashy is nine months old! He says HI and should be making an appearance very soon!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two 1/2 Going On 20!

The Many Faces Of Camden Boos!!!

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To My Handsome Big Boy:
Hi Camden-I can't believe that you are two 1/2 today! Where has the time gone- it truly has felt like the blink of an eye since you were my "Teeny Tiny Lookalou"!
This is not to say that I haven't appreciated each and every moment that you've been in my world! A true gift; and one that has utterly and completely changed my life for the better. I LOVE being your Mama and am so proud of the little man you are growing in to! Yes, that's longer are you a "baby" (though you will ALWAYS be MY baby). Your little body has changed from chubby and squishy to long and lean almost overnight! You still have the cheeks...I hope they stick around for awhile!
When I come into your room to sneak a peak of your peaceful sleeping, I cannot believe how big you look! It melts my heart and breaks it all in the same instant. I wish I could keep you little forever- innocent and wide eyed; yet I also can't wait to watch you experience all that life has in store.
Since your second birthday, you have really shown us who you are: A strong willed yet silly and loving little guy who can't get enough basketball! You would play and watch the game all day- it cracks us up! You have a mean shot and we only hope you continue to hone your skills; because at this rate, you may just be the best player in the world someday! :)
You love to dance and play "air drums" while riding in the car. You have many favorite songs which you insist on hear again and again; and I am proud to say that you appreciate Bob Marley as much as your Mama and Auntie Ali!
You have developed a fear of the dark and refuse to sleep without the closet light on. Each night before bed, you still beg us to leave your door open and the answer is always the same: "No Camden, we do it to keep you safe," yet you still remain persistent in your get that from me!
You have recently taken an interest in the "potty" and Mama and Daddy are so proud of you! We haven't and will not force the issue because we know in time you will be out of diapers. Just as with YOUR time! I love that about you...very strong willed. I know, however, it will be a big challenge to raise such a determined young man!
Some of your other favorites:
Mickey Mouse, Thomas the Train, The Backyardigans, Wearing your Sunglasses, Cheerios, Going "Swimming" at the Pool, Curious George, Taking Bubble Baths with Mama, and Your buddies: Gavin, Mason, Avery, and who could forget your little girlfriend: Brecken?!
You are all about your Daddy right now! I actually have to remind myself not to let this hurt my feelings. Your Daddy is very good to you and I love to watch you two play and giggle (the best sound in the world)!
And what a sweet and loving Big Brother you are to Baby Dashy! Last night you asked to feed him a bottle! This was a sight I'll never forget...such a simple yet beautiful moment for your Mama!
Every day I count my blessings that I was chosen to be your Mama!! I love you more than you'll ever know...
"Love Love Love...You You You My Teeny Tiny Teeny Tiny Lookalou"