Mama, Dashy and me went over to Rachel and my buddy, Mason's house (aka: Masey)! Aunt Kimmi was there too!!
I was a tad apprehensive at first, thinking that Mama was dropping me off and leaving, but once I realized that she and Dashy were along for the fun, I relaxed and began to have a blast with my buddy! Masey and I are in the same class at school and Rachel and Mama are good friends and take classes together at our gym!
While Dashy slept and Mama, Rachel, and Aunt Kimmi did whatever a bunch of ladies do when they get together; me and Mason had some rockin boy time in his super cool playroom! We shot hoops, ate popcorn, had graham crackers, and watched tv too! I really loved his cool chair and I have asked Mama to hook me up with one sometime soon! Maybe for Valentimes Day! Masey and I were just two cool dudes kickin it ...
Check us out...don't I look like a 50 year old man in this chair...all laid back and chill??
See if you can spot the questionable behavior in the photo...
Hmmmm Masey, what's up with your hand?? :)
Mama, Rach, and Aunt Kimmi got a big kick out of us...glad we could entertain them!
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