Sunday, October 14, 2018

Divine Nine & The Meaning Of Your Name

October 14, 2018

To My Dashy,

This morning I wanted to look up the meaning of your name. I was going to do a typical google search, but…

I felt God whisper to my heart to first look up the poem The Dash by Linda Ellis.

“For that dash represents all the time they spent alive on earth…”

Wow! The Dash in this poem is LIFE

From there I did a google name search: 
Meaning of the name Dash: Unknown

I knew that God had more to show me. 
Then…I heard in my heart: “Look up the word dash in My Word.”

There were many verses where the word “dash” is used. 
I looked up the biblical meaning: Dash: The idea of "to throw violently" or "to strike" with purpose of causing destruction…

Yikes!! I wasn’t quite sure that this search was a productive one. But God encouraged me with HIS Perfect Peace to keep diggingAfter reading multiple verses, I found this… 

Psalm 2:7-9
I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son;
today I have become your father
Ask me, 
and I willl make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.
You will break them with a rod of iron[;you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”

WOW!! Ok, this IS going somewhere!! 
This psalm speaks of the strength, authority, and inheritance

Dashy, You Are:
LIFE. Strength. Authority. Inheritance. God’s Son! 

I went back to find who authored Psalm 2…no one was listed. 

“Keep going…”

What I stumbled upon next caused my heart to overflow with joy! 

Acts 4:24-26 references David being the psalmist of: Psalm 2.  

Dash is small but mighty. Dash is a warrior. Dash is musical.
Dash is…Dash is…
Like David!

·      In the biblical narrative, David is a young shepherd, chosen by God for his pure heart, who first gains fame as a musician and later by killing Goliath. 
·      Acts 13:22 says, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.‘”

Wow!! Wow!! Wow!! 

And to think I was just coming out to the porch this quite morning with my cup of coffee to write you a letter. I should know better, by now. God's Word is Alive! 

Dashy, I hope that when you read this as a grown man you will remember that despite what the world may say, our God’s Word reigns as the only real peace giving and comforting Truth! 

You, my son are NOT unknown!! 

You are Perfectly named and Perfectly known by the Lover of Your Soul! 

HE never leaves us, and HE speaks so clearly to us when we take the time to listen!

I could have begun and ended my quest this morning with the word: “Unknown...” 

But God started it with “Life”, which in turn led to a rich discovery about WHO HE says you are and who He is calling you to become. 

I may not have been able to tell you the meaning behind your name, but Jesus had ALL of the answers on WHY you are called DASH! 

Oh do you ever love life, Dash! You wildly embrace each day with zest, humor, contemplation, and love. 

Your will is best described as the strength of a lion. While we are learning how to best parent this strength that can sometimes lead to doors slamming, back talking, and stubbornness, the TRUTH is that you are a warrior for life, truth, and for others! You heart for children with special needs is a direct reflection of the kindness and compassion of Jesus. Your Daddy and I are truly in awe of this gifting. 

You KNOW who you are which has enabled you from a very young age to walk in your Kingdom authority. To watch this quality within you continue to mature is going to be one of my life’s greatest gifts. There is so much power when we walk in our authority. I pray you lead and witness many people running in to the arms of Jesus.

I could not express this any better than by this verse:
 Ephesians 1:11-14 The Message (MSG)
It’s in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free—signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. This signet from God is the first installment on what’s coming, a reminder that we’ll get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life.

A Man After God’s Heart:
I believe with all that I am that HE led me down this path to remind us that the world does not decide the meaning of your name. God named you…HE knows your name!!  

Jeremiah 1:5 New International Version 

 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

So, on this last day of your eighth year-your 9th birthday eve, I celebrate all that you are and all that you will become. I do this with full trust in what God has shown me on this crisp autumn morning. 

Always Know This, My Sweet Dashton Bleu Weber:
You are a lover and speaker of LIFE who walks upright in Strength and Authority, and in your Inheritance. A chosen young warrior who will be known as a Man After God’s Heart.

I love you, "My Littlest", with more love than my heart can contain! What a joy it is to watch you embrace ALL that life has for you and to know of the exciting times to come. 

This birthday…Divine Nine will forever be a gift to ME!!! 
A remembrance of the day that I learned the true meaning of your name. 

Love, Love, Love,


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Happy Decade Day, Camden Boos!

January 8, 2018

Happy Birthday Camden!!

How have we arrived at TEN already? I remember so vividly the first time you were placed into my arms. It was though I had known you my entire life.

You, My Biggest, made me a Mommy and we had 21 months of endless snuggles  and experiences prior to the arrival of little Dash.

It’s hard believe that for the first 8 years of your precious life, I did not know Jesus…
But HE knew and loved me… and He knew EXACTLY what I needed!
Camden Jon, our Great All Knowing God sent your Daddy and I the most precious gift in YOU!

A sweet, easy, relaxed, adorable cuddle bundle of love, who in one second, became my world.

You, my son, were the spark that ignited the possibility of God again in my heart.

The Lord sent you as a miracle messenger.
A child who would lead and teach me about unconditional love and joy unspeakable.
A child who would teach me how to be still.
A child who would show me that daily miracles do exist.

Camden, you have been teaching me as I have been leading you!
Thank you JESUS for choosing me to raise this incredibly loving boy.

These years have truly flown by.
The weepy days spent staring at you as a tiny newborn just in awe that you were ours. Daily walks through our neighborhood in West Hills, California, and the sweetness of the middle of the night feedings when the entire world was sleeping but you and I.
Those days passed so quickly and suddenly, we moved from California to Tennessee. The next thing I knew- we were celebrating your first birthday!  Then… your second… third…forth…and now…today you are TEN!

Cam, God placed you in my heart before He placed me in the world. You have always been a part of me… of Daddy…. since the beginning of time.

You are an exceptional boy filled with passion for a “sic” bass track, basketball and of course- cars-cars-cars. A boy who prefers athletic wear to jeans {I don’t blame you, kiddo}, is mildly obsessed with Sports Center, and is already referring to himself as a Pre Teen!! Oh My Word!!

Still, you hold my hand in public.
Still, you call me mama!
Still, you cuddle up so close to me on the couch!
Still and forevermore, you will always be my baby!

This year brought a new depth in our Kingdom Journey together as a family!
It was my extreme and profound honor to have you and your brother escort me to your Daddy on the day of our vow renewal. A heavenly dream come true! 

Being a witness while you shared the love of Christ with complete strangers and also, boldly and in full faith praying for healing and salvation for those that whom love melts, my Mama Heart.

Gone are the days of the Trying Twos and Threes.
Gone are the days of the Fabulous Fours and Fives.
You have officially entered the Land of Big Boy.  

This year closed out a season of Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny and opened up a new depth in conversations about the TRUE Reason for the seasons.

We talked in detail about how babies are made and the plans and promises that God has for your amazing life! That HE has already selected your wife {time please slow down} and that your future and hope is in HIM alone!

Your kindness is a reflection of Jesus and I know that He is so very pleased with His Treasure… His Camden!

Your earthly name means: “From The Winding Valley”
Your kingdom name is: Leader

My cherub, you led me From the Winding Valley to the Promise of Eternity!

Knowing we have only eight more years before you are officially a man makes my heart ache and sing all at once! You too will understand this feeling when you are a parent!

What a joy it is to be your Mommy!
I promise to always listen! I promise to tell you why when you ask, and to be your biggest cheerleader! I will hold your hand as long as you let me. I will let you go when you tell me it’s time.

My arms are wide open and my heart will forever explode daily with a unique and special love that is reserved ONLY for You, my Spirit Filled Boy!

Your future is brighter than the sun and filled with the SON!
You hold an endless power of Truth within and in Him alone you can do all things!

I love you more than words could ever capture.
You are my First! My Biggest! My Treasure! My Exceptional Star! My Joy! My Heart! My Greatest Gift!

 Happy Decade Day, Camden Boos!!!



They didn't have you where I come from
Never knew the best was yet to come
Life began when I saw your face
And I hear your laugh like a serenade
How long do you wanna be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you wanna be loved
Is forever enough
'Cause I'm never, never giving you up
I slip in bed when you're asleep
To hold you close and feel your breath on me
Tomorrow there'll be so much to do
So tonight I'll drift in a dream with you
How long do you wanna be loved (how long do you wanna be loved)
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you wanna be loved (how long do you wanna be loved)
Is forever enough
'Cause I'm never, never giving you up
As you wander through this troubled world
In search of all things beautiful
You can close your eyes when you're miles away
And hear my voice like a serenade
How long do you wanna be loved (how long do you wanna be loved, do you wanna be loved)
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you wanna be loved (how long do you wanna be loved, do you wanna be loved)
Is forever enough
'Cause I'm never, never giving you up
How long do you wanna be loved (how long do you wanna be loved, do you wanna be loved, do you wanna be loved)
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you wanna be loved (how long do you wanna be loved, do you wanna be loved, do you wanna be loved)
Is forever enough
'Cause I'm never, never giving you up
Is forever enough
'Cause I'm never, never giving you up