Friday, October 14, 2016


To My Littlest:

It’s the eve of your seventh birthday and I’m sitting alone on a balcony over looking the ocean. It is the last night of this week at the beach and I am feeling so blessed to have this time to reflect on this last year as I listen to the waves break on the shore. The Lord just gifted me with a vibrant sunset of deep reds and golds and now the moon is lighting up the sky and glistening off of the water.  I so loved spending three days here with you, Camden, and Daddy. A perfect getaway that has me looking forward to our next family adventure.

What an honor it is to be your Mommy! I am filled with the most profound joy that could only come from God.  As you know, this relationship with Jesus is brand new in my heart; though what will always remind me of how He loves us, is how you have ALWAYS known Him.

I remember, last October, when I shared with you how the Lord revealed Himself to me and how I finally opened up my heart to Jesus. You looked at me with your big eyes and exclaimed with certainty: “Mommy, I’ve known Jesus since I was in your belly!” That statement continues to serve as a reminder that our Heavenly Father is mighty to save and is always- ALWAYS with us. That He wants us to draw close to His presence, walk in wonderment, and have a childlike faith.

Dashy, God has blessed our family with the gift of YOU! You have always known who you are and what you want. You are bold. You are brave. You are a delight!

I am learning to embrace your strength and strong will, in celebration of how God has created you. You bring us so much joy and certainly keep us on your toes.

The Holy Spirit burns inside of you and I cannot wait to witness all that HE has planned for your life.

We’ve spent this year getting to know our Heavenly Father together as a family of four.

We learned to lean on one another when our dear friend Shellie spent almost one month in the hospital fighting for her life. We learned to TRUST and glorify God through the uncertainty, and praise Him in her miraculous healing.

In May, our family took our first trip to Los Angeles together. Daddy and I loved watching you and Camden take in all of the new sights with wonder and awe. I will never forget watching you and your brother run toward the Pacific Ocean together for the first time. It certainly will not be the last; as we are looking so forward to our next visit out West.

Our family was baptized on June 4th of this year in the Harpeth River behind our church: Grace Chapel. When your Daddy, who baptized you, asked if you had anything you would like to say prior, you exclaimed:

“I love God because He’s Awesome”!

We have walked this new path with Jesus leading the way, and I am learning so much from you and your brother on how to worship without fear and how to walk in total faith!

In late June/early July, you attended Camp Kletecka with Mimi and Grandaddy, spending nearly one week together in Ohio swimming, playing tennis, getting to go to the Air force Museum, and being spoiled with treats and LOVE!

Late summer, we took a trip to our favorite place: Smith Lake! Jumping off the dock, playing on the porch, and even getting lost on the lake in a rainstorm while on a pontoon boat made for a highlight of our year. This place is truly heaven on earth and we long to make many more memories there in the years to come.

You began first grade in early August and are learning how to be student. Math is your favorite subject and you are fully planning on becoming an artist when you grow up. I pray you are forever gifted with the balance between right and left brain…like your Daddy!

You make friends easily though definitely like to be in charge. We are working on helping you develop stronger listening skills, though you often remind us:

“Talking is my favorite thing to do”.

Now in your third year of Tae Kwan Do, you have achieved your yellow belt and will soon be testing for green, where sparring will become part of your skillset. We truly love your coach, Mr. Eric, who leads with love and strength!

Your musical talent is developing more with each year. Hip Hop has become one of your favorite hobbies and watching you rock “the robot” never gets old. In June 2017 you will perform in your first official dance recital! I. Can’t. Wait!

You are our constant comedian and my little sidekick companion. Always wanting to hold my hand and sit by or cuddle up to me. My heart melts each time I get to snuggle you as I know these days of you being tiny are numbered and passing quickly. You still tell everyone that I, your Mommy, am your girlfriend with such precious innocence.

You are reminding me to keep things simple. To enjoy the togetherness of our family more often. To slow down. To breathe deeper and laugh often!

On our last night together here in Florida, you asked us if we could all go the beach as a family and walk around under the moonlight before bedtime. Once our feet were on the sand, you instructed each one of us where to stand and then led our family in a prayer, asking that each one of us stand together in praise and thanksgiving. Oh how I love your boldness for our Great God!

As I prepare to finalize this letter, I realize that it is the first one of your seven years of life that I have given God the glory…that I am able stand on His rock of Truth and Purpose for Your Life, my Dashy. This thought alone brings me an indescribable sense of gratitude and excitement for what’s to come.

Thank you Jesus for rescuing my heart last October 25th, so that our family could unite in faith and rest in Your perfect love that casts out all fear.

Happiest Birthday My Sweet Boy!! You are a treasure of immeasurable value. You are my littlest love with the biggest heart and I cannot wait to watch you soar into seven!

Love. Love. LOVE, 
