Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Happiest Birthday my sweet
Camden Boos!!
I feel like I just wrote you
a letter, yet it has actually been one year since my last.
This past year has been a
whirlwind for our family! Sometimes I feel like we have all lived a few years
packed into this very one.
Mommy and Daddy worked incredibly
hard to develop our dream, Releve’ One. We truly believe, despite our hectic
schedules, that we are teaching both you and Dashy to chase your dreams with
heart, soul, and integrity. And although we constantly strive for more balance,
we are committed to the strength of our family and doing whatever it takes to
grow together in love and support!
We also moved into our brand
new home that we spent 8 months building. When I walked through the doors for
the first time after we closed on our home, unexpected emotions came over me.
For it is within these four walls that I will watch my boys grow from children
into men! These four walls will see us through many trials and tribulations!
Within these four walls, it will one day become very quite when you and your
brother head out to make lives of your own! I know it’s the natural progression
of Life, but it still moves much too quickly! Please slow down, my son!! Don’t
grow so fast!
Yes! 2013 was a big one for us
all, including one of your largest milestones to date…Kindergarten!
This summer, my anticipation
was equivalent to your excitement toward your very first year of school.
One week before you were to
begin Kindergarten, I went up to your bedroom to look in at you, (as I have done
every night since you were born), and couldn’t believe how much space you took
up in your bed! From my teeny tiny Lookalou to my big boy in the blink
of an eye!
So Fast- and as you know,
it’s TOO fast for your Mommy.
It’s hard to believe that six
years ago this eve, we were in the hospital awaiting the arrival of you, our
soon to be first-born son! And tonight, as I type this letter,
you are across the room practicing your form as a yellow belt in Tae Kwan Do
This year, you have grown
from a little guy to an inquisitive kiddo. Your laughter lights up my world and
your love and concern for others reminds me that Daddy and I are raising a
young gentleman.
You amaze me with what you’re
learning not just in curriculum but in the skills that I feel will take you
farther through Life than any textbook could ever teach.
Your light is radiant, true,
and I KNOW that the little baby I held in my arms for the first time 6 years
ago is going to shine his whole life long!
My wishes for you:
You continue to
journey with zest and confidence
You love your
brother more with every passing day and always see him as your best of friends
Family remains of utmost importance
The love you hold
in your heart never goes unspoken
Your laughter and
joy changes the lives of others
Grace is your
second nature
You always hold
doors open for ladies
And of course:
You dance like no one is watching your Whole. Life. Long!
My heart is full of pride for
the incredible little man that you’re growing into, and I thank God daily that
I was chosen to be your Mommy!
I Love Love Love You, Camden
Happy Birthday To My Teeny
Tiny Lookalou!
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey!
You'll never know dear "I so much love you" please don't take my sunshine away!
XOXO- Mommy