Monday, October 14, 2013



Oh Sweet Dashy, how is it that we have so quickly arrived at the eve of your 4th birthday?

Despite that I do my best to appreciate the little things- soak up moments in their uniqueness, I am still and always will be in awe of our ever swift and unwavering friend: Time!

It’s almost impossible to fathom that four years ago,  I was laying in bed- a mommy of 21-month-old, blonde curly haired Camden and the next day, I was privileged to hold the miracle of you in my arms and close to my heart.

Suddenly, in an instant, I became a mommy of two precious and beautiful miracles!

And as it was with Camden, our first baby, I felt like I had known you my entire life!

I knew you were my purpose and instantly felt a new realm of love that I’d never known possible.

As your delivery date approached, I recall feeling nervous that my heart wouldn’t be big enough to hold even more love... I’d already thought I’d given all I could to Camden and your Daddy!

But there you were, so teeny tiny yet eager for the world and those in it ready to love on you!

From the moment the nurse placed you in my arms in it was obvious that you knew who you were and what you wanted…and you haven’t stopped living with that same fearlessness ever since!

Tiny yet determined- that’s always been Our Dashy B!

Doctors told us you might have cystic fibrosis when you were in my belly and once we’d learned that not the case, we were told at thirteen months that there was a concern for muscular dystrophy.

I remember praying that you’d be able to keep up with your big brother…and thank God you do exactly that! 
In fact, you give us all a run for our money with your off the chart vocabulary, old soul, and crazy dance moves and rhythm!

I couldn’t ask for a more spunky, sassy, determined, hilarious, quirky, talented, musical, and loving little person to walk beside me hand in hand throughout these magical childhood years! 

You’ve completed our family brilliantly and are wonderfully and perfectly made!

Your strong willed and intelligent approach catches me off guard, frustrates me, and even makes me laugh in moments when I shouldn’t!

My love for you explodes from my heart daily and wouldn’t trade you for anyone or anything!

The gift of having two boys so close in age is one that I treasure beyond explanation!

Today you and Camden both played outside in the yard for hours running, giggling, getting dirty, exploring trees, plants, and the vast lands of make believe… Together!

What a brilliant view from our back door…one I will never take for granted!

Watching Camden doting on you at your birthday party this weekend ignited my heart and brought tears to my eyes! His arm around you, hugging you close during a group photo, filled me with an indescribable joy!

Your current passion is for dancing, making others laugh (even when they shouldn't), and of course dolphins and ninja turtles!

I love turning on music and watching the beat invade your soul! You just HAVE to dance! It’s a contagious energy that I hope always remains!

I know I always ask you and your brother to “slow down” in the growing department, but in all honesty, I have loved every moment past and present and I truly can’t wait to see what the future holds!

So as you leave the baby years behind, chubby cheeks and all, I am thrilled to look back on what was with smiles, tears, and joy; and hold tight to your still tiny hand as we walk through the doors of what has yet to come.

There are no words that will ever explain the bountiful love and pride that I feel each and every day because I was chosen to be the mommy of the amazing Dashton Bleu Weber!

Happiest 4th Birthday To My Future World Changer, My Little Boy Bleu, My Shooner, Pinken, Poods, Wackah Packah, Munkin, Sweetie Precious, Dashy B, D, Wacka Do, and Love Of My Life!

I Love You “50 and One Hundred” and To Infinity and Beyond!

I can’t wait to watch you become who you’re destined to be- what an honor to be part of your journey!

Love, Love, Love- Mommy

Monday, January 7, 2013

Camden Boos Is FIVE!

Monday, January 7, 2013
My Biggest Boy: Camden Boos

Five years ago today, Monday, January 7, 2008, in Los Angeles, California- I was preparing to check into the hospital.  Daddy and I had waited such a long time and we were both so anxious to meet You: Our very first baby!

You were supposed to be born on January 3rd, but had decided to stay cozy in my belly as long as possible.

Mommy’s doctor: Dr. Adhoot, said it was time to bring our sweet miracle into the world, so Your Daddy and I made sure our bags were packed and we began our drive to Burbank’s St. Joseph’s Hospital.

I still remember this day so vividly: moments turned to hours and hours turned into the next day…

January 8, 2008…the night You were placed in my arms for the first time- the instant my Life became complete! 

Because You felt so safe and sound in my belly, and did not want to enter the world on Your own; Dr. Adhoot said it was time to help You arrive.

I remember EVERYTHING! The excitement I felt, the fears that I would not know how to care for and give You what you needed,  your first cry, our first mommy and son kiss,  the love I have for Your Daddy and the beauty that encompasses the Miracle of Life!

From the second I held You, I knew YOU…like the missing piece of my Life’s puzzle had finally been found- and to this day, I cannot believe how blessed I am to be Camden Jon Weber’s Mommy!

How is it that five years have passed so quickly?

I know I keep asking You to stop growing so fast…but it’s because I’m trying to savor  not just all of Your milestones- but  even the smallest miniscule moments that create the storybook of Your Life!

You’ve grown from a small “teeny tiny lookalou” with jet black hair and super dark skin, to a basketball fanatic toddler with blond ringlet curls and chubby cheeks, to my handsome big boy who is obsessed with all things that have wheels and with a laugh that gifts all of those around You such joy!

Although I am so enjoying all of your stages and ages, it’s hard, as your mama, to say that you’re not a baby anymore!

At present, You have become a little man who knows exactly what he wants- without a doubt!

You’ve inherited determination and strong will from me- so I fully understand when You have Your melt downs!

I have a feeling that we will have many struggles as You grow into a man, but I vow that I will always do right by You- even when You don’t like me very much at the time.

The way You love is so beautiful…simple yet with extreme feeling and passion for your age.

You are verbal in Your feelings…hopes…and needs and I so love those qualities in You!  

Watching my growing son open doors for ladies and hearing You speak YOUR truths are endless reminders that Your growing up to be a True Gentleman…

Your Great Grandaddy Ben would be so proud!

Most of all, getting to experience and share in the bond that You have created with Dashy is a dream come true! May you both always stay as close as these years!

There simply aren’t enough words in the world to capture or describe how much I love You, my Camden!

Mama’s life was forever better the day I met you and it’s been a growing story of love, happiness, and family ever since!

Thank You for being the most fun, sweet, silly, sassy, loving, caring, and yes…even strong willed…big boy ever!

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know dear, “I so much love you”,
Please don’t take my sunshine away!

Happy  5th Birthday Camden Boos!!

You will always and forever be my “Teeny Tiny Lookalou”!!

Love Love Love…