Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lil Rockstar!

Sweet Sixteen...Months That Is!!!

Happy Sixteen Months To ME!!
Mama took this photo of me this morning, so it's hot off the press! I was having my morning Baba and getting ready to go to my school's Valentine's Sock Hop, (hence the reason for my says "chick magnett")! I didn't want to hurt any of the ladies feelings, so I let them know that I'm One Bigboy Valentine for All!!
I am slowly adjusting to school...being around big groups of kiddos is very new to me; so sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed! I sure am excitedto see Mama when she picks me up and immediately return to my happy self! I guess I'm just going to have to learn to adjust, because I don't think my crying is going to get me out of going to school. Mama promises that I'll make friends and be Mr. Social in no time!
In other news: I began physical therapy last week. Let me just say: NOT A FAN! Mr. Nathan is my go-to dude for all things catering to physical challenges. Needless to say...NOT A FAN of Mr. Nathan! Maybe once I start realizing that I can do it...I'll grow to love him! He's gonna have to work for my love- that's for sure!
At home, Mama and Daddy are working with me on rolling a ball, standing on one leg and learning to shift my weight from one side to the other! I've mastered climbing up the stairs like a champ- now I just need to learn to go back down them!

I have 30 words in my repertoire people...pretty good, huh? I don't say them for many people, because I'm shy- but...I DO say them! Some of my favorites as of lately: Backpack, bubbles, WiWi (for our puppy Wiley), Eat, Up Up, More (I can sign it too), On (as I point to the tv in the car), Ball, Book, Bye Bye, and of course: Mimi! :)
I am obsessed with Dancing!!! I just can't stop Workin It!! Thankfully Mama acts like a freakshow, so I can be silly with her when we have our dance parties!!
That's it in the news of Mr. Dashy Bleu-
Hoping to have more to report next week...stay tuned!!!