Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sweet Sixteen...Months That Is!!!

Happy Sixteen Months To ME!!
Mama took this photo of me this morning, so it's hot off the press! I was having my morning Baba and getting ready to go to my school's Valentine's Sock Hop, (hence the reason for my shirt...it says "chick magnett")! I didn't want to hurt any of the ladies feelings, so I let them know that I'm One Bigboy Valentine for All!!
I am slowly adjusting to school...being around big groups of kiddos is very new to me; so sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed! I sure am excitedto see Mama when she picks me up and immediately return to my happy self! I guess I'm just going to have to learn to adjust, because I don't think my crying is going to get me out of going to school. Mama promises that I'll make friends and be Mr. Social in no time!
In other news: I began physical therapy last week. Let me just say: NOT A FAN! Mr. Nathan is my go-to dude for all things catering to physical challenges. Needless to say...NOT A FAN of Mr. Nathan! Maybe once I start realizing that I can do it...I'll grow to love him! He's gonna have to work for my love- that's for sure!
At home, Mama and Daddy are working with me on rolling a ball, standing on one leg and learning to shift my weight from one side to the other! I've mastered climbing up the stairs like a champ- now I just need to learn to go back down them!

I have 30 words in my repertoire people...pretty good, huh? I don't say them for many people, because I'm shy- but...I DO say them! Some of my favorites as of lately: Backpack, bubbles, WiWi (for our puppy Wiley), Eat, Up Up, More (I can sign it too), On (as I point to the tv in the car), Ball, Book, Bye Bye, and of course: Mimi! :)
I am obsessed with Dancing!!! I just can't stop Workin It!! Thankfully Mama acts like a freakshow, so I can be silly with her when we have our dance parties!!
That's it in the news of Mr. Dashy Bleu-
Hoping to have more to report next week...stay tuned!!!

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